OSD600: Lab 2: Contributing to Nodejs – Dashboard

For the purpose of demonstrating the knowledge of using Git, I have found a nodejs package on GitHub that called nodejs-dashboard and added a few keywords and a short description to their package.json file.

Here are the steps that I have taken to accomplish a pull request:

  1. Forked the repo to my private account
  2. Cloned to my laptop
  3. Created a new branch
  4. Made the edits
  5. Committed with meaningful message
  6. Went to the forked repo and clicked on the pull request link
  7. Typed up a message to the maintainers
  8. Finally wait for their approval or their response if they want me to add or change something related to my pull request

Here is the pull request that I created.

There are project that have strict rules of naming convention for the commit message which we need to pay attention to. However, the package that I am contributing to is very easy going and does not have any requirement for the commit message.

Overall, the process to contributing to the open source community is quite simple. I think contributing to open source does not need to be something complicate. Any change that improve the project in every way is a good contribution.

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